Artist London Kaye and yarn lovers from Petoskey collaborated to create a Peace for Ukraine mural. Two other installations will be in Los Angeles and Westminster, Colorado.
Rep. John Moolenaar, a Republican from Midland, joined Rep. Dan Kildee, a Democrat from Flint, to help the Midland Center for the Arts receive an extension for federal disaster relief funds.
Joann Condino, co-owner of Three Pines Studios and Gallery in Cross Village, is donating 50% of the sales from her new tea towel collection to help Ukrainians in crisis.
The Michigan Artists Gallery in Traverse City will close its doors after 24 years in business. This week is the last chance to physically admire the…
They say it takes 66 days to create a habit. If that’s the case, then a group of dedicated folks in northern Michigan is on their way to making a…
You don’t have to look far in central and northern Michigan to see locally produced art. Art shows… fairs… and galleries are part of the heartbeat in…