Judy Wagley
Midday Host and ProducerJudy Wagley is WCMU’s midday host, and is the producer of The Children’s Bookshelf from From the Ground Up! She guides listeners through their weekdays from 9am to 3pm.
Judy holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Music History, and has worked at public and commercial radio stations in Toledo and Columbus, Ohio and Grand Rapids and Gaylord, Michigan. Before moving to Mount Pleasant, she was a writer/photographer for the Gaylord Herald Times.
Judy Plays French horn in the Northern Michigan Brass Band, Central Michigan Area Concert Band and Gateway Band. She is an avid swimmer and gardener, and insists that plants—like people—thrive when they listen to classical music.
Judy joined WCMU's staff in December, 2018.
You’ve heard that “The family that plays together stays together.” At the Algoma Trad Centre in Ontario, families can play, sing, dance and learn traditional arts and heritage crafts at an annual summer camp program. WCMU's Judy Wagley spoke with founders and artistic directors Julie Schryer and Patrick O’Gorman about this unique opportunity for families.
Andrew Curtiss from Show-Tiss Farm in Shepherd discusses the benefits of Mycorrhizae fungi.
Sault Saint Maire, Michigan is famous for its shipping locks, but a crew of folks is working hard to put the Soo Theater on the map, with many programs, including an opera apprenticeship workshop. WCMU's Judy Wagley caught up with Karen Beacom, artistic director of the Soo Theatre and founder and director of Soo Opera.
Bevin Cohen from Small House Farm in Sanford offers advice on what to do in the garden when the temperature soars.
There is an old classical music piece of advice, “If it ain’t Baroque, don’t fix it.” The Baroque on Beaver Festival has been thriving on Beaver Island for nearly a quarter of a century, and while it certainly does not need to be “fixed,” there is a commitment to bringing old and new music together by commissioning works from contemporary composers. WCMU’s Judy Wagley spoke with Music Director Robert Nordling.
Holly Tiret is Michigan State University Extension, Senior Extension Educator, Social/ Emotional Health. She explains why getting outdoors is beneficial to our health.
Public Art Passport is a portal to more than 400 works of art in Michigan's Great Lakes Bay Region. Ashley Ross, associate director of collections and impact at Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum in Saginaw, is our tour guide.
Bevin Cohen from Small House Farm in Sanford tells us how to take gardening to a "new level of fun" by saving your seeds.
Some teenagers may dream of starting a rock band, but in 2019, then 17-year-old Ryan Biller started, or rather, re-started a community band in his home town of Manistee. Judy Wagley caught up with the busy young musician, who will conduct the Manistee Community Band in a concert celebrating a big anniversary on July 12.
Denise Fanning ditched her lawn and planted a garden. She'll share how and why.