Amy Robinson
The Rate Relief Mortgage program offers first time home buyers loans at one-percent below the market rate.
UPDATE Mon. June 5, 2023 4:30pm: A wildfire burned 2,400 acres on Saturday near Grayling. Fire danger remains critical throughout much of Michigan.
In the 2-1 decision, the Michigan Court of Appeals has reopened the 2017 case of Alvin Yoder. Yoder died in a farming accident on his family's Amish dairy farm.
A potential legal effort to increase the number of people paying for dam reconstruction in the Midland area has local leaders worried. They say it could…
The Republican-controlled Michigan senae has approved a petition initiative to repeal the law Gov. Whitmer used to issue COVID-19 emergency orders. This…
Governor Whitmer is trying to reassure 650,000 Michiganders who have been warned they may have to pay back federal benefits. This is your WCMU news…
Governor Whitmer signed a school funding bill today. A bipartisan $17-billion dollar funding measure, and no new taxes. This is your WCMU news roundup for…
Michigan legislators have introduced bipartisan bills to allow communitites to provide solar gardens for residents. This is your WCMU News Roundup for…
Michigan Secratary of State Jocelyn Benson says she is addiing more in-person appointment times, but she will not return to the "take a number and wait"…
The new EPA Administrator was in Flint today, trying to improve relations. Also,we introduce you to the Valley of the Giants and to Lakes Appreciation…