According to new research, the “Point in Time Count” method used by the federal government to track the unhoused population numbers can be far from accurate when applied in rural areas.
Getting equitable healthcare to rural areas is a challenge because of the distance between patients and clinics. But a new drone pilot program is testing a potential solution.
The U.S. has lost more than 2,800 newspapers since 2005, many of them in rural areas. Now some journalists are redoubling their efforts to provide local news and trying new models in a difficult industry.
As the number of wind and solar farms increases, so does opposition in the rural areas where they’re being built. While more counties and townships passed restrictions in the last year, some states are responding by passing laws making it harder for local governments to say no to wind and solar.
A new report said Michigan has the lowest professional-to-student ratio of all states and pointed to the particular staffing needs of rural schools.
Youth in rural America may face an increased risk of eating disorders.
Rural hospitals in Michigan are being awarded more than $5-million to help fight COVID-19.The funding, announced Wednesday, comes as part of the CARES Act…
A new report finds that broadband internet access has wide ranging impacts on student grades and likelihood they will attend college.The report, from…
The Federal Communications Commission has approved $33 million to improve access to broadband internet in 21 Michigan counties.The approval is expected to…
Northern Michigan chambers of commerce are advocating lawmakers to give them more control over how development is incentivized in their communities.The…