The North Lake Correction Facility in Baldwin is owned by the private prison company GEO Group. Documents obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union show the company proposed the site to ICE last year.
Michigan’s Department of Education and Catholic leaders are responding to federal guidelines allowing immigration officials to make arrests at schools and churches.
The ACLU of Michigan is suing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) over what it calls a “legal loophole” that lets those agencies keep immigration detention records “completely secret.” The lawsuit focuses on people who are detained for immigration violations in county jails.
As President-elect Donald Trump prepares for his return to the White House, advocates for immigrants say his mass deportation plan threatens to disrupt Michigan's vital migrant workforce. They say local protections may provide some safeguards, but say many immigrants in Michigan, both documented and undocumented, are anxious about the future of their families and livelihoods.
The sheriff’s office is now tasked with determining who may be in the country illegally and reporting that, regardless of whether it involves a larger criminal matter.
The Michigan Court of Appeals has dismissed lawsuits challenging a state policy that denies on-the-job injury benefits to many undocumented workers.
Criticisms of the Biden administration’s immigration policies made up a major part of former President Donald Trump’s speech in Grand Rapids Tuesday. His visit comes in the wake of the murder of 25-year-old Ruby Garcia, allegedly by a former romantic partner. The suspect is in the country without permission from immigration officials, something the former president hammered down on.
U.S. immigration reform was last passed by Congress in 1996.
Some Michigan lawmakers are renewing their push to allow any resident of the state to receive an ID — regardless of immigration status.
Supporters of legislation that would let undocumented immigrants receive Michigan ID’s are renewing their push to get those bills a committee hearing.