The $1.7 trillion dollar spending plan recently passed by Congress includes money for a number of environmental issues.
Nutrients and algae blooms are the biggest areas of concern.
The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - a fund dedicated to preserving and cleaning up the Great Lakes - could see a $20 million boost.The fund, which…
The grant awards which come from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, were announced November 3.Three conservation groups who were awarded money say it…
On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation that would fully fund the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative for 300-million dollars in…
US Senator Debbie Stabenow Visited Traverse City Wednesday to talk about environmental restoration being done through the Great Lakes Restoration…
Despite a White House proposal to eliminate $300 million for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, the House Appropriations Committee voted late Tuesday…
Congressman Dan Kildee from Flint is asking President Trump to keep funding intact for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and Environmental Protection…