Environmental groups are raising concerns about proposed cuts to state funding for drinking water infrastructure improvements.The house appropriations…
State officials and environmental groups are pushing back on the Trump Administration’s proposal to rollback federal oversight of some streams and…
Right now they’re hundreds of miles away, but experts say an invasive insect may soon hitch a ride to Michigan. Spotted Lanternflies are native to…
In a few days, anglers will have to bring their fishing shanties in at night.After midnight on Friday, March 15, it won’t be safe to leave them on the ice…
A Michigan non-profit has filed a brief in a case challenging a Wisconsin diversion of Lake Michigan water. "For Love of Water", or "FLOW" submitted an…
The Ludington State Park recently acquired 100 acres of new land including sand dunes, wetlands and forests.Some of it has been mined, but state officials…
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is teaming up with a wildlife conservation group to offer residents and organizations the opportunity to…
More deer in Michigan have tested positive for Chronic Wasting Disease...this time in two counties with no previously known cases A four year old deer in…
Wildlife officials have been more and more concerned with diseases affecting the deer population in recent months, but new data shows populations may not…
Live red swamp crayfish are illegal in Michigan and Canada. That’s why when a truck driver tried to cross into Canada from the mitten with an abundance of…