A trial to see if deer will consume oral vaccines shows some promise for preventing the spread of bovine tuberculosis in wild animals.
Dan and Jennifer Digmann have been married for 20 years. Both have been battling multiple sclerosis almost as long. They credit "teamwork" as the magic to making their marriage work despite their daily struggles with this incurable disease.
Select Upper Peninsula counties are being encouraged to send in lymph nodes to test for bovine tuberculosis and chronic wasting disease.
The state euthanized more than 31,000 Atlantic salmon after a bacterial infection spread through a hatchery in Wexford County.
Experts say tick season is hitting early this year due to a mild spring. They're urging people to take precautions now against the potentially disease-spreading insects.
Dr. Eva L. Feldman from the ALS Center of Excellence at Michigan Medicine in Ann Arbor said they are tackling the disease from many angles.
Michigan researchers are testing out an "emerging tool," they hope could eradicate an infectious disease spread by deer.
A Michigan researcher is working on reversing the decline of a fungal disease has killed millions of bats across North America.
The Kent County Health Department says it's turned up a mosquito in one of its traps carrying the rare Jamestown Canyon Virus.Over the past decade, the Kent County Health Department has been recording an uptick in mosquito borne viruses. Epidemiologists say increasing temperatures, milder winters and increased rainfall are causing mosquito populations to flourish.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the country. And Michigan ranked 8th nationally in heart related deaths in 2016. More than 600,000…