A Michigan State University professor says the slowdown is in response to a combination of softening sale performances and the incoming Trump administration.
Protesters lay down in the hallway outside Democratic House Speaker Joe Tate's office at the state Capitol on Wednesday, demanding an end to his delay of hearings on auto no-fault bills.
The protest in the hallways of the state Capitol comes after Democratic House Speaker Joe Tate canceled a survivors' group meeting with House insurance committee Chair Brenda Carter.
The State Senate passed bills that set new reimbursement rates for many long-term care services for severely injured auto accident patients.
The bills seek to restore access to medical care that was lost to many survivors after the passage of Michigan's auto no-fault law in 2019.
Hundreds of people rallied at the state Capitol on October 3, 2023 — one day before a state Senate committee will hear testimony on bills to amend the auto no-fault law.
Legislative hearings are expected to begin this week on bills supporters say would fix problems with Michigan’s 2019 auto insurance law.
New Michigan Senate bills are trying to solve issues with the state’s 2019 auto no-fault insurance law.
The United Auto Workers union is in its second week of negotiations with Detroit’s automakers.
The Michigan Supreme Court says benefit caps in the auto no-fault law that went into effect on June 11, 2019, do not apply to people who were covered under their own no-fault insurance policies, and sustained injuries in car crashes prior to that date.