JW: It's always springtime in a greenhouse! I'm Judy Wagley. It's “From the Ground Up!” Karin Johnson is the Greenhouse and Botanical Garden manager at Central Michigan University. Thanks for joining me today, Karin.

KJ: Hi, thanks for having me.
JW: Karen, what do you do at the greenhouse?
KJ: Well, we are growing plants from around the world to show our biology students different environments that plants can grow outside of Central Michigan.
JW: What is the purpose of the greenhouse at CMU?
KJ: It's mainly a teaching display garden, so we bring the students in to show them how plants adapt to different environments and habitats. But we also start seeds in the springtime for the botanical gardens on campus.

JW: So it is like a conservatory greenhouse, but also a working greenhouse.
KJ: Correct, yes.
JW: What kinds of plants are growing there?
KJ: We have lots of fig trees from around the world, and ferns. We have a very large agave and cactuses in our desert room which are really fun to look at. We have an aquatic room with lots of different floating plants as well as carnivorous plants that are really fun to check out and learn about. And then also the seed-starting room, which is full of vegetables and flowers right now that are getting ready to go outside.

JW: And you take care of all of those plants?
KJ: I do with the help of some students on campus.
JW: Yes, I was going to ask you what the students do there?
KJ: Yes, I have a students and volunteers who helped me start seeds, but they also take care of the greenhouse every day, making sure it stays clean and that the plants stay pest free as well.
JW: So what may be a very well-kept secret Karin, is that the Greenhouse and the Botanical Garden at CMU are open to the public!
KJ: Yes, they are. We love to have visitors!
JW: Can you tell us a little bit about that?
KJ: The greenhouse is open Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and you're welcome to come at any time within those hours. We do get school groups coming from outside the university to tour sometimes, which we love to have. And the Botanical Gardens is about a four-acre plot of land in the middle of campus. It has a lot of different gardens that are fun to look at. We have a vegetable garden, a native shrub garden, and a home demonstration garden with lots of perennials that can grow in mid-Michigan-- as well as a woodland garden.
JW: Wow. So even if folks don't have a garden of their own, or would just like to get out and be inspired by all of the wonderful plants growing there, it's a great place to visit.
KJ: I think so. I hope we provide inspiration for people who visit.
JW: There are so many public gardens around the country, and there's a good chance that there is one in our listeners’ community too, cared for by people like you, Karen.
KJ: You're absolutely right. There are several in Michigan that are nearby that are wonderful to visit.
JW: Why not plan to visit one of these beautiful green spaces and enjoy the benefits? Karin, thanks so much for joining me today.
KJ: Thanks for having me.
JW: I'm Judy Wagley it's “From the Ground Up!”