Editor's note: This transcript has been lightly edited for clarity and length. You can listen to this conversation by clicking the LISTEN button above.
Rick Brewer: Recovering from abuse is often a complex and difficult process. But art therapy has been found to make a dramatic impact on victims of domestic violence. The Underground Railroad emergency shelter in Saginaw has seen this first hand and has teamed up with an area art studio to showcase this healing. WCMU's Tina Sawyer recently talked with Underground Railroad's Community Outreach Director Shawn Schutt. Shawn began the conversation explaining why they decided to present this emotional display.
Shawn Schutt: The idea really came from a meeting that I had with Meg, the Executive Director, over at Studio 23, and we were trying to think of a way for our two organizations to collaborate. And really what stemmed from that is the idea of putting on a survivor art exhibit. We know that speaking about the abuse that victims have experienced can be really difficult for a lot of them, but we know that art can be. Useful tool not only in healing for. But also as a way to get across like what they really experienced in those moments.
Tina Sawyer: Why do people remain quiet about those kinds of things?
SS: It can be really difficult for victims to talk about the abuse one, because it's a really like personal thing that's happening to them. But they also fear that people aren't going to believe them. See it time and time again where? Sports having experienced domestic or sexual violence and they're just met with, Oh well, they're a nice person. They wouldn't do that or I know this person, and they're a really good person because that outward face of an abusive person is often going to be really charismatic. Really nice, really kind to other people. Because they don't want people to see the abuse that they are actually doing, so. Many victims feel like they can't report it because they know if they were to talk about the abuse they're experiencing, the abuse might escalate even further.
TS: Do each of the pieces have a story behind them and explain what the piece that people are looking at, what it's all about?
SS: Yeah. Each pictures worth. 1000 words right? So we wanted to make sure that those 1000 words were the words that the survivor wanted to get across in their art. So not all of the submissions, but a lot of them do have a brief description of what either the viewer is seeing in the art. Or what the art meant to the survivor while they were creating it.

TS: Can you tell us a personal story of maybe one of the clients there that this has helped them?
SS: What I can tell you, at least from what I've heard from the survivors who are submitting a lot of them have been really thankful for the opportunity to do this because it sounds like a lot of them have done art just through their healing to begin with, but they. Never had the opportunity to display it.
TS: Shawn, what do you hope comes from this?
SS: I just hope it allows for a continued conversation around domestic and sexual violence in our communities because it is often a subject that is really difficult for people to talk about, even if they haven't experienced abuse before. Something that is really shyedd away from because it's some of the ugly parts of our communities, and I'm hoping that this exhibit not only allows for that Continued conversation about it, but allows for victims and survivors in our community to realize that their voices will be heard.
TS: I know it happens quite often and we hear mostly about women, but are there men also that are part of this exhibit?
SS: So to my knowledge, we have not had any men or people of other gender identities submit so far. It has seemed to be primarily women who have submitted, but that's also not entirely shocking knowing that each persons identities come with specific barriers that they might face when it. To disclosing abuse, we know for men that it can be really difficult for them to talk about their abuse. Or even admit the experience abuse to begin with just based on how they've learned to be themselves and how our society views men. And then we know also like for people of other gender identities, it can be really difficult for them to talk about the abuse they're experiencing because. Domestic or sexual violence might not be the only abuse they've experienced because of how our community tends to view members of the LGBTQ plus community.
TS: And how do you hope in future endeavors to reach out to those? Are You hoping that this continues?
SS: Yeah. So it's my hope that we're able to continue to do this event with Studio 23 just because it's something that I would like to continue to allow for survivors to continually have their voices be heard on a A regular basis. Underground Railroad and the Bay Area Women's Center. We host a podcast together called "Touchy Subjects" Podcast, where we often will have survivors come on sharing their stories and experiences, as well as how we as a community can work better to support victims and help try to prevent that in the first place.
RB: That was Shawn Schutt from UnderGround Railroad Emergency Shelter in Saginaw. The Survivors Art exhibit is free and will run from March 21 to May 17 at Studio 23 in Bay City. And if you or someone you know is in experiencing domestic violence, you can dial 1-800-799-SAFE for help and resources.