Feb 19 Wednesday
Presented by Andrea YoxsimerResource Protection Specialist, at Thunder Bay NMS
As of June 2024, only 26.1% of the world’s ocean have been mapped using high-resolution technologies, such as multibeam sonar systems.
To address this gap, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) is actively contributing to the expansion of oceanic mapping by conducting sonar operations across the United States. During the 2023 field season, NOAA Ship Rainier undertook a mission to the Pacific Remote Island Area (PRIA) and American Samoa, where it conducted comprehensive mapping operations around both inhabited and uninhabited islands. Andrea was part of that team.
This lecture will provide an in-depth examination of the principles and functionality of multibeam sonar, explore the successes and challenges associated with conducting sonar operations in remote regions, and offer a detailed look into the experience of life aboard a 231-foot research vessel operating in the South Pacific.
Jul 22 Tuesday
"Inovine Scientific Meetings extends a warm invitation to the 16th World Conference on Midwifery, Nursing, and Primary Health Care, scheduled as a hybrid event on July 22-23, 2024, in Amsterdam, Netherlands. This year’s theme is 'Birth to Wellbeing: The Continuum of Care in Midwifery and Nursing.'
Participants will have the opportunity to engage in keynote addresses, interactive workshops, and dynamic discussions across various aspects of midwifery and nursing.
Benefits include:
Full waiver on registration and accommodation for your association's President/Head/Director.Recognition of your association's Logo and Link on the Conference website.Inclusion in the final conference program/proceedings.20% waiver on Speaker/Delegate passes for members of your association.Thanks & Regards,Amelia Scott | Program ManagerMidwifery, Nursing & Primary Health Care ConferencePhone: +1-408-648-2233Whatsapp: +44 7361 618033Email: midwifery@inovineconferences.comDisclaimer: This message has been sent to you because of your specialization in the field. Please ignore if not interested.Have a great day!"