Legislation to outlaw intentionally lying about election information was introduced in the Michigan Senate Tuesday.
Some state lawmakers want to retire elected governing boards that oversee Michigan State University, Wayne State University and the University of Michigan in favor of executive appointments.
The state House voted along party lines Wednesday to approve a package of bills to make it easier for people to vote.
The Michigan House of Representatives passed a bill last week allowing 16-year-olds to pre-register to vote.
ElectionReporting.com is a service provided by Kent County at accesskent.com.“For the public for interactive use and understanding the election results down to the precinct level.”Lisa Posthumus Lyons is Kent County Clerk.
The UAW’s international referendum on direct elections ends today.
The state House voted on Tuesday to outlaw hooking voting machines up to the internet while ballots are being tabulated.
Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson says Tuesday’s primary elections went smoothly by and large, but the big test will be in November.Benson held an online…
The state of Michigan has reached a court settlement that allows voters to take pictures of their ballots and post them on social media.The deal says…