The Michigan State Capitol will undergo a major restoration project to ensure that new panes in the rotunda's glass floor will closely match the originals.
In the summer of 2023, the Michigan State Capitol Commission voted to prohibit firearms in the building.
Democrats in the state Senate have introduced legislation to ban firearms in the state capitol.In the spring, armed protestors entered the state capitol…
In the wake of the mass shooting at a high school in Florida – students and others gathered at the state Capitol.They want a ban on assault rifles.…
For the past week, one Michigan Senator has set up a nativity display every morning on the State Capitol lawn. Senator Rick Jones has set up the display…
A battle is heating up in Lansing over the state’s corrections budget.Republican Senator John Proos’ subcommittee on corrections passed a budget that cuts…
A small crowd that held a May Day rally in front of the state Capitol has a big ambition – to organize ballot campaigns that will support each other. The…
Wednesday was the annual Second Amendment March in Lansing. Gun enthusiasts took to the Capitol for speeches and mass open-carrying of firearms. According…