Two union leaders in Michigan confirmed with WCMU that at least 15 people from Huron-Manistee, 14 from Hiawatha and eight from the Ottawa national forests were affected by the layoffs.
The review process for the Line 5 tunnel project in the Straits of Mackinac may be fast-tracked under an emergency order from the Trump administration.
The STARBASE program entered its fiscal year in October without a budget after the U.S. House and Senate could not agree on a funding plan. Now, the four-person staff in Alpena is furloughed indefinitely, and it's uncertain whether the center will reopen.
A trial to see if deer will consume oral vaccines shows some promise for preventing the spread of bovine tuberculosis in wild animals.
An electrical transformer caught fire earlier this afternoon and spread to the Karn generating facility in Essexville. A mineral oil spill into the Saginaw River also took place during the fire. It's unclear how much oil has been spilled.
Researchers and government organizations recently addressed the federal Great Lakes Task Force, urging congressional members to support funding for Great Lakes science and restoration.
STARBASE is a program run by the Department of Defense that hosts sessions for students to learn about science, math and engineering through applied practice.
Ice shanties dot the horizon as the sun rises over the frozen Black Lake. It’s only 4'F out, but hundreds of people have gathered here — all because of the elusive, prehistoric lake sturgeon.
Roughly 400 homes can decide to connect to the main in the first phase of the project. The township plans to eventually extend the line out to Lake Margrethe — reaching up to 1,000 households affected by PFAS plumes largely from Camp Grayling.
The big challenge is that hydrogen likes to bond to other elements — think H2O — so it takes a lot of energy to isolate hydrogen into a usable form. But there may be large deposits of naturally-occurring hydrogen gas in Michigan, according to a new map from the U.S. Geological Survey.