For years, local law enforcement in the county were given a blanket deputization to work outside of their jurisdiction by the sheriff. But with the loss of the county's 24/7 road patrol, Sheriff Michael Main has limited their authority.
As the legalization of cannabis grows year by year, law enforcement still don't have a reliable way to detect when drivers may be under the influence of the drug. However, a team of researchers has been trying to solve this issue by developing research on THC breathalyzers.
Michigan State Police have been focusing their resources on Isabella County after losing its road patrol to a failed millage proposal. This change has some surrounding county sheriffs preparing to take on more calls as they start to lose some assistance from state law enforcement.
Isabella County voters struck down a $3.7 million millage in November that would’ve supported 20 positions within the sheriff’s department. Now state police will fill the void.
The unit is made up of dogs and their owners working as civilians. The new group fills the need for the county after the previous group disbanded.
A Michigan appellate court has ruled police in the state can stop anyone they have reason to believe is carrying a concealed gun and ask for their license.
"This is how you restore faith and hope. This is how keep people from being incarcerated, how you keep victims from being revictimized," said Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson.
The statewide crackdown program known as Operation Safe Neighborhoods consisted of compliance checks of those who are prohibited from possessing a firearm.
Right now, candidates for county sheriff only need to prove residency and voter eligibility in the area they are seeking to serve.
Police call it “Operation Ghost Rider.”