PALACE OF BOOKS written and illustrated by Patricia Polacco is a true story. Polacco lived it and as shown in this wonderful picture book what took place was important for her development as an artist.
The story begins as her family moves from Union City, Michigan to Battle Creek, Michigan. It will be a new life after living on a farm surrounded by nature. It is told in the first person.
While exploring her new environment Patricia comes upon an awesome building with two huge lions on either side of its magnificent steps. When she asks her mother what this building is, she tells her it’s the Willard Library where you can take out books if you have a Library Card.
The next day when Mrs. Creavy, the librarian, asks Patricia what kind of books she likes to read she tells her she enjoys books about birds but her very favorite books are art books. The librarian takes her to the stacks---a beautiful place where the most valued books are kept. “What you are about to see in these great big editions are the paintings of John James Audubon! Not only a lover of nature but also one of the finest watercolorists in the world.” Patricia is mesmerized.
In the Author’s Note Polacco thanks Mrs. Creavy for showing her Audubon’s beautiful art and giving her a way to tame her struggle with dyslexia and become a visual artist. The illustration of young Polacco with her library card is charming.
PALACE OF BOOKS beautifully told and lusciously illustrated by the very talented Patricia Polacco is a thoughtful picture book full of gorgeous birds for children 5-8 years of age (A Paula Wiseman Book/ Simon and Schuster) 2023.
The Children’s Bookshelf is a production of WCMU. Links to the podcast and the Activity Questions can be found at Children’s Bookshelf dot org.
Activity Questions for Palace of Books
Younger children: This book is full of illustrations of wonderful birds. Turn the pages and find the following-----a robin, a blue jay, an owl, a woodpecker, a dove, a cardinal, a duck, a turkey, a Canadian goose and possibly a blue heron. Be sure to also find birds in the illustration of Patricia at the Bird Sanctuary. Moms and Dads can help.
Older children: Have you ever thought about how it would feel to fly like a bird? Turn to the illustration of Patricia at the Bird Sanctuary---it looks like she is flying. What bird would you like to be? Think about it and put your body in the shape of that bird. In a large safe place using your hands, feet and imagination take off as that bird and fly about the room or backyard. Have fun.
Do you have a library card? If you do have a library card, make a list of the books you have taken home to enjoy. Be sure to keep adding to that list so it is up to date.