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Whitmer asks Legislature for ‘one historic vote’ for her budget proposal

Flickr User austin_slack

Governor Gretchen Whitmer says her budget plan will tackle some of the state’s biggest problems – from clean drinking water to improving education.

More than 100 million dollars could go toward improving Michigan’s drinking water infrastructure. That’s if the state Legislature approves a supplemental budget request by Governor Gretchen Whitmer for this spending year.

Whitmer made the request as part of her first budget proposal.


“This will be a chance to turn a new leaf and prove to people that we will finally clean up their drinking water.”

The proposal includes a lot of big asks – including an increase of the state’s fuel tax and a repeal of the pension tax. Several times throughout her presentation, Whitmer asked the Republican majority Legislature to not “kick the can down the road” when tackling the state’s problems.


“This is about one historic vote. I know how difficult your job is, I had your job. I’m not asking something that is easy, I get that.”


Whitmer wants to use the money for things like water line replacements, research and treatment for emerging contaminants in drinking water, and research to improve water distribution systems.

Whitmer says her budget proposal gets rid of “shell games” played by state government.


“This will help us earn back the confidence of the people we represent. And we’ll be able to be held accountable and they can track it.”

The budget is still in its early stages. The Republican led Legislature now has to work out its own plan and find consensus with the governor.