Maayan Silver
Maayan Silver is an intern with WUWM's Lake Effect program. She is a practicing criminal defense attorney, NPR listener and student of journalism and radio production.
Even as President Trump and other Republicans claim mail-in voting could lead to fraud, local GOP officials are trying hard to convince voters that it's safe and easy to cast an absentee ballot.
When President Trump visits Wisconsin Tuesday, it will be without the invitation of the governor. Trump has cited the protests in Kenosha as part of his law-and-order message.
Trump's supporters don't trust voting by mail, said one local Wisconsin GOP chair. "And one of the reasons they don't trust it," he said, "is the president's previous tweets and comments about it."
Delegates in Wisconsin talk about how they plan to stay engaged with the all-virtual Democratic National Convention.
Many delegates to next week's Democratic National Convention are disappointed that they won't be gathering in person due to the pandemic. But many are campaigning to deliver a victory this fall.
Vice President Mike Pence has had an aggressive travel schedule focusing on battleground states for the fall. Republican voters in those states say they find Pence's presence reassuring.
Approximately 400,000 people voted in person in Wisconsin after courts and GOP lawmakers rebuffed proposals to postpone the election or conduct it by mail.
Wisconsin is holding a statewide election under challenging circumstances amid the pandemic. Despite efforts to delay voting and move to mail-in ballots, long lines were reported around the state.
In this swing state, the outbreak is forcing political parties to retool their get-out-the-vote efforts, and making some conservatives reconsider absentee voting.
Many other states have delayed elections but Wisconsin leaders are sticking with the date. In part, it's because local and state offices are also on the ballot.