Adam Frank
Adam Frank was a contributor to the NPR blog 13.7: Cosmos & Culture. A professor at the University of Rochester, Frank is a theoretical/computational astrophysicist and currently heads a research group developing supercomputer code to study the formation and death of stars. Frank's research has also explored the evolution of newly born planets and the structure of clouds in the interstellar medium. Recently, he has begun work in the fields of astrobiology and network theory/data science. Frank also holds a joint appointment at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, a Department of Energy fusion lab.
Frank is the author of two books: The Constant Fire, Beyond the Science vs. Religion Debate (University of California Press, 2010), which was one of SEED magazine's "Best Picks of The Year," and About Time, Cosmology and Culture at the Twilight of the Big Bang (Free Press, 2011). He has contributed to The New York Times and magazines such as Discover, Scientific American and Tricycle.
Frank's work has also appeared in The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2009. In 1999 he was awarded an American Astronomical Society prize for his science writing.
Classification of planets offers a way to see how Anthropocenes — and a successful route through them — might be part of a continuum of planetary evolution, says astrophysicist Adam Frank.
Through the power of Katrina, Sandy and, now, Harvey, we get a view into how a changing climate may play out in the real world — beyond arguments and abstractions, says astrophysicist Adam Frank.
The great hope of urban advocates is to democratize data, allowing residents to see more clearly how a neighborhood is changing — but knowledge of those changes may accelerate them, says Adam Frank.
By standing strong against the Nazis, America became a beacon of hope to some of the world's greatest scientists — whose positive effects on American science we still feel today, says Adam Frank.
There is no greater source for science, for the inspiration to do science, than the wild; that is where the sense of sacredness at the root of science's aspiration lives, says blogger Adam Frank.
Our pre-human ancestors are back there somewhere in the deep time that makes up Earth's braided history of life and change — and we are the tip of the spear moving that life forward, says Adam Frank.
Inside every plant there is an insanely complex molecular engine that turns sunlight into food — and across billions of years, photosynthesis shaped the history of the entire planet, says Adam Frank.
It's cool to imagine being a squirrel, and yet, at the same time, this GoPro video reminds us of the huge gap between imagination and being, says blogger Adam Frank.
On Saturday, people from around the country will take to the streets in the March for Science. Organizers say that the point of the March is not to make science political, but to highlight the reality of science to politicians, as a guide in policymaking, in which science is an uncharted issue.
A new book reminds me why the actor has been my comedy hero ever since he started on Saturday Night Live when I was just a wisecracking high school student, says Adam Frank.