Some kids like to color, and some kids like to read, but 10-year-old Noah Pitts from Cadillac likes to knit plastic bags into yarn.
Back in January, Noah was inspired by a TikTok video that gave a step by step guide to making yarn out of plastic bags. From there he decided he'd make some yarn of his own, setting a lengthy goal of 300 yards.
"I'll probably stop after 300," he said.
Right now, the yarn is 290 yards long, putting Noah close to his goal. For comparison, 300 yards of yarn is the length of three football fields, or could be used to make 200 baby blankets. He explained his yarn-making process.
"I get plastic bags, and then I straighten them, then I fold them, and then I cut them into strips," he said. "Then I unravel then, and I lock them together, and then knit them by finger knitting."
All of Noah's plastic bags come from his mom and his grandpa.
"Every grocery shop my mom gives them to me," he said. "Grandpa gets them to me after every grocery shop with him."
During the day, Noah attends a day camp at a local church in Cadillac, and his camp friends are big supporters of his project.
"They really like it. Yesterday was the first time they got to see it." he said. "They couldn't believe that it was so big."
Surprise wasn't exclusive to his friends. Noah said his mom was shocked at how long the yarn had gotten as well and encouraged him to keep going.
Although his grandparents are encouraging him to make something out of the yarn when it's done, and Noah said he might, but isn't really sure what he's going to do with the yarn. He's predicting that the 300 yards will be completed by next week.