Attorneys for former Michigan State University President Lou Anna Simon announced Thursday that they’ll file a motion to quash another judge’s decision that ordered Simon to face trial in circuit court. She faces charges of lying to police about the Larry Nassar sex abuse scandal.
Lou Anna Simon has been embroiled in legal trouble for nearly a year over what she knew about the Larry Nassar sex abuse scandal and when she knew it.
Simon’s lead attorney Lee Silver, says they’re filing a motion to try and stop the trial because they believe the opinion of the judge who ordered it, was riddled with legal errors.
“Well there are a number of very, very significant errors in her opinion. All of which will be set forth in a lot of detail in our motion to quash the bind over.”
A spokeswoman for the Attorney General’s office says, Simon’s attorneys will file the motion at the end of the month before their office responds in mid-February, and the chance for a rebuttal is given. Oral arguments on the motion are scheduled to be heard in late March.