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Michigan's roads ranked deadliest in the nation

Flickr User perthhdproductions

A new study says that Michigan roads are the deadliest in the nation during the winter months, but according to Michigan State Police, the reason is not the icy roads.

With dozens of auto crashes this past week across the state, including a nearly 30 car pileup Tuesday on I-96, it may come as no surprise to some that Michigan roads have been ranked as the deadliest in the country during the winter months.

Published by consumer research website,, the study says Michigan averages 37 deaths per 100 below-freezing days each year.

However, Michigan State Police say, don’t point any fingers at the snow.

“So I saw that study myself and that is not accurate. The first thing people need to know is the weather does not cause crashes the driver does.”

That is Michigan State Police Lieutenant Michael Shaw, who serves as the department’s Public Relations Officer. He says with years of experience working crashes during icy road conditions, those responsible all tell the same story.

“You know they say the weather caused my crash, or the snow made me wreck. No, you made yourself wreck because you were going too fast for the road conditions when you went into the ditch. If the snow would have made you wreck, the 500 cars that passed by you after you went into the ditch all would have crashed as well.”

Meaning Shaw says, the lesson here is slow down during winter weather, even if you drive a big pick up or SUV.

“If you take time, you do what you are supposed to do as far as leaving enough room in front of you, and if you keep your speed down enough to where you can react to anything in front of you, you don’t crash.”

Nor do you lose your life.