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Genesee FARMacy expanding to address food insecurity

Flickr User U.S. Department of Agriculture

Grant funding has been awarded to a Genesee County initiative that feeds people who are food insecure.

The Michigan Health Endowment Fund is awarding Hurley Medical Center in Flint nearly 86,000 dollars to expand their food FARMacy program. That’s farmacy with an ‘F’.

The program allows patients who are food insecure to pick up two days worth of food.

Alisa Craig is administrator of Wellness and Population Health at Hurley Medical Center. She said the Farmacy has fed more than 700 people.

“We started just assessing for food insecurity in our own Hurley patients and we very quickly realized that the need of our population here in Flint and Genesee County was quite a bit higher than we even originally estimated.”

Clinics with similar food insecurity issues can refer patients to the Hurley Farmacy.

Craig said the grant will allow the Farmacy to expand. It will now be open four days a week instead of three.