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Hearings planned to review proposed social studies standards

Flickr User U.S. Army Garrison Red Cloud

The Michigan Department of Education is offering additional public input sessions over controversial changes to social studies standards in public schools.



The changes made headlines when state Senator and gubernatorial candidate Patrick Colbeck proposed revising the standards to include removing references to climate change, lesbians, gays, and the term ‘core democratic values’.


Bill DiSessa is a spokesperson with the Michigan Department of Education. He said it’s apparent that Michiganders are paying attention to the standards.


“We certainly appreciate all the interest and input we’ve had from the public. As state Interim Superintendent Sheila Alles has indicated, the interest in the proposed standards was so great that the department decided to extend the public comment period and add the six additional input sessions around the state.”


The six meetings will be held in various locations around the state through August and September from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.:


August 8 in Kalamazoo

Kalamazoo Central High School Auditorium, 2432 North Drake Road


August 9 in Ann Arbor

Washtenaw ISD, 31819 South Wagner Road


September 13 in Detroit

King High School, 3200 E. Lafayette Drive


September 18 in Marquette

Marquette-Alger RESA, 231 Ohio Street


September 19 in Gaylord

University Center of Gaylord, 80 Livingston Boulevard


September 20 in Mount Pleasant

Bovee University Center (of Central Michigan University), 103 East Preston Street