Tourism in the Upper Peninsula is expected to be very good this spring and summer.The biggest hit to UP tourism came last March through May. But Tom…
The Michigan Dam Safety Task Force is taking public comments on the 86 recommendations drafted to improve dam conditions across the state. Michigan…
With the jobless rate in Michigan rising due to the Coronavirus pandemic, state Democrats are making a push to permanently expand and increase…
Experts say local communities have been substituting mental health treatment for jail time in the United States for decades now. Tess DeGayner spoke with…
The state has processed nearly half the number of applications it’s received from people hoping to serve on the Michigan Independent Citizens…
While population within the state of Michigan has grown in the past few years, that growth isn’t evenly distributed.Some counties are experiencing booms…
The village of Roscommon has been awarded $60 thousand in grant funding to clean up a property that had housed a pharmacy. The building was bordered on…
A new study has created the first detailed map of Michigan’s coastal sand dunes.The study shows there are twice as many acres of Michigan sand dunes than…
One farm in the U.P. is quickly blossoming into a tourist destination..thanks to its over four-hundred-and-forty-thousand sunflowers.Dan and Teressa Hall…
Look at a map anywhere in the country and you’re likely to find some names you’re not sure how to pronounce. It’s humbling when you try your best and…