A new survey says marijuana use among 19-22 year olds is the highest its been in 35 years.The annual survey out of the University of Michigan follows 12th…
Congress should re-evaluate its stance on marijuana.That’s according to one state representative who wants to end inconsistencies between state and…
Some communities in Michigan recently shot down attempts to allow recreational marijuana businesses.MichMash’s Cheyna Roth and Co-Host Jake Neher break…
State regulators plan to help local entrepreneurs in 19 Michigan cities disproportionately impacted by marijuana prohibition in the past to get into the…
A state lawmaker has proposed clearing the criminal records of people convicted of possessing or using marijuana. It would apply to misdemeanor…
With the stroke of his pen, Illinois’ governor made his the 11th state to legalize recreational marijuana.Starting January 1st, 2020, Illinois residents…
Michigan’s attorney general is getting behind a push to change federal law to allow banks to do business with marijuana companies.Even in states like…
Michigan’s medical marijuana dispensaries will no longer be able to buy and sell untested cannabis products from caregivers.The new rules are actually old…
Under a new package of bills in the state Senate people on probation or in prison for marijuana related crimes could have their sentences reduced or…
The head of Michigan’s marijuana program says he intends to watch and learn as the state figures out the rules for future sales of recreational…