A federal trial is underway to decide if engineering firms that advised the city of Flint on water issues bear some responsibility for the water crisis.
Liane Smith receives back pay and compensation for being "political scapegoat" in Flint Water CrisisThe only Michigan official fired in the Flint water disaster likely was a "public scapegoat" who lost her job because of politics.
The city of Flint is looking at setting up a witness protection program to encourage city residents to come forward with information on violent crime.Flint’s homicide rate this year is running about 30 percent higher so far this year compared to the first half of 2020.
Flint continues to make progress in reducing lead in its drinking water.
Three days of hearings focused on the fairness of a $641 million settlement of civil claims tied to the Flint Water Crisis have come to an end.Thursday’s…
The new administrator of the federal Environmental Protection Agency was in Flint today in part to address the agency’s battered image in the…
Former Governor Rick Snyder’s defense attorney says it’s “outrageous” that prosecutors have not given him all the evidence in his Willful Neglect of Duty…
The Flint City Council will once again try to pass a budget tomorrow night before its fiscal year begins July 1st, but there’s little hope the divided…
In Flint on Wednesday, hundreds of people stood in long lines for hours waiting for their chance to get criminal convictions expunged from their…
Genesee County health officials want young children from Flint evaluated for developmental issues.Testing has shown Flint’s drinking water has long since…