Does Dearborn have the right to print ballots in Arabic as well as English? The Wayne County Clerk has raised that question with the Michigan Secretary of State.
A bipartisan coalition is getting behind a petition campaign to overhaul the state’s term limits amendment. The effort will begin collecting signatures in the spring to put a question on the 2022 ballot.
Mid Michigan college is behind two ballot initiatives on the November ballot to annex the Isabella Gratiot area and increase its tax base.If both ballot…
A controversial bill restricting the ballot petition process is moving forward.The Senate Election committee approved the bill Wednesday. Among other…
A new bill would penalize petition circulators if they lie to get people to sign a petition. Petition circulators, in Michigan, are not legally obligated…
State lawmakers return to the Capitol this week – and the big question is whether they will pass a pair of ballot initiatives.The ballot proposals would…
The only Democrat running in Michigan’s first congressional district has filed suit against the Michigan Board of Canvassers and Secretary of State for…
A ballot proposal to change how Michigan draws congressional and legislative district lines is getting challenged in court.The Voters Not Politicians…
It appears the question of legalizing marijuana in Michigan is headed to the November ballot.The next step is to put the question to the Legislature,…
Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley is the fourth Republican running for governor to file petition signatures to appear on the primary ballot.Snyder cannot…