Our fall fundraiser is just around the corner, and we want YOU to be a part of it! We're inviting you to record your thoughts about why you step up for WCMU with your financial support. We'll be sharing these recordings on the air, as we encourage all listeners to become supporters of WCMU.
Recording on your mobile phone is an easy process. Here's how to get started! **Please note: any audio you send us may be used on-air, and streamed online at WCMU.org**
iPhone Users
1. Find the "Voice Memos" App on your phone. It's usually found in the "Utilities" folder.
2. Hold the phone about four fingers away from your mouth. Push the red button, and wait a second or two before you start speaking.
3. Introduce yourself! Try "Hi, my name is _____, and I live in _____."
4. Tell us why you love WCMU!
5. Push the red button when you're done.
6. You will now see the voice recording you just made at the top of the screen. Tap the three dots (see the image below), then tap "Share," then "Mail."

7. In the "To" field, type "respond@wcmu.org"
8. Give your email a subject, then hit "Send," and you're done!
Android Users
1. Download a voice recorder from your app store. There are several free ones available.
2. Hold the phone about four fingers away from your mouth. Push the record button, and wait a second or two before you start speaking.
3. Introduce yourself! Try "Hi, my name is _____, and I live in _____."
4. Tell us why you love WCMU!
5. Push the stop button when you're done.
6. You will now see the voice recording on your screen. Find the "Share" option, and then select email.
7. Send your recording to "respond@wcmu.org" and you're done!