From The Ground Up!
Saturdays at 9:35am, and Tuesdays at 1:33pm
“From the Ground Up,” hosted and produced by Judy Wagley, is a weekly program designed to inform and inspire the home gardener, or ANYONE who has an interest in the natural world around us. Each week, Judy talks with an expert and highlights a topic that is timely for the season. You are sure to learn something new and interesting. Let's get growing!
From the Ground Up is a production of WCMU. Our theme music was written and performed by Ken Verheecke.
Latest Episodes
Want to grow some of your own food, herbs and flowers? Andrew Curtiss from Show-tiss Farm in Shepherd shares step-by-step-tips.
"Green Exercise" is so good for us! Holly Tiret, Michigan State University Extension Senior Extension Educator-Social/Emotional Health, shares valuable tips on how to practice "mindfulness" in our garden.
If you would like to get a jump-start on your garden, follow the simple steps shared by Janice Jenkins from Elm Creek Garden Center in Farwell.
Seed catalogs are often pretty, but can be intimidating! Fred Monroe from Monroe Family Organics in Alma chats with Judy about how to "decode" the information presented in seed catalogs.
What can gardeners do while waiting for spring? Take care of those gardening tools! Christian Zummer, Horticulturist at Dow Gardens, shares some tips.
The USDA recent released a new version of its "Plant Hardiness Zone Map." Monica Jean, Michigan State University Extension Field Crop Educator, tells Judy why this map is important.
Now is the time for indoor gardening, and houseplants are perfect for adding color and life to your space, and they help purify the air! Trent Bowen from Dow Gardens in Midland shares reason and tips for growing plants in your home.
Matt Lindauer explains invasive plants and how to control them.
If you have a pile of pine needles from your Christmas tree, Brent Crain from Michigan State University Extension says, "Use them as mulch!"
Judy gets good advice from Laura Allen from Vander Sys Tree Farm on what to do with your Christmas tree after the holidays.