From The Ground Up!
Saturdays at 9:35am, and Tuesdays at 1:33pm
“From the Ground Up,” hosted and produced by Judy Wagley, is a weekly program designed to inform and inspire the home gardener, or ANYONE who has an interest in the natural world around us. Each week, Judy talks with an expert and highlights a topic that is timely for the season. You are sure to learn something new and interesting. Let's get growing!
From the Ground Up is a production of WCMU. Our theme music was written and performed by Ken Verheecke.
Latest Episodes
You can attract birds to your yard with native plants! Martha Holzheuer from Native Niche in Midland tells us how.
Kathleen McCoy and her daughter Megan West, from Oakbrook West Farms in Clare, will tell us how easy it is to grow your own flowers for cutting.
It's time to hunt for the elusive fungi! Sr. Marie Kopin and Judy Wagley share suggestions.
Gardening with kids—of all ages is healthy, educational—and FUN! Debbie Anderson from Dow Gardens in Midland tells us why, and shares tips for getting started.
What to plant? Where to plant? Mary and David Moore from Stone Cottage Gardens in Gladwin share some tips.
April is the time to get your roses ready for the growing season. Mindy Rosenberger, owner of Hummingbird Roses Nursery explains how.
Every gardener dreads weeds! Fred Monroe from Monroe Family Organics in Alma, Michigan has some helpful suggestions for how to control them.
The Central Michigan University Greenhouse and Botanical Garden is open to the public. Judy Wagley chats with Manager Karin Johnson about this green gem on campus.
Brent Schultz, manager of North Star Gardens in Gaylord, shares tips for springtime lawn care.
Andrew Curtiss from Show-tiss Farm in Shepherd explains how to prepare the site for your brand-new garden.