Nell Greenfieldboyce
Nell Greenfieldboyce is a NPR science correspondent.
With reporting focused on general science, NASA, and the intersection between technology and society, Greenfieldboyce has been on the science desk's technology beat since she joined NPR in 2005.
In that time Greenfieldboyce has reported on topics including the narwhals in Greenland, the ending of the space shuttle program, and the reasons why independent truckers don't want electronic tracking in their cabs.
Much of Greenfieldboyce's reporting reflects an interest in discovering how applied science and technology connects with people and culture. She has worked on stories spanning issues such as pet cloning, gene therapy, ballistics, and federal regulation of new technology.
Prior to NPR, Greenfieldboyce spent a decade working in print, mostly magazines including U.S. News & World Report and New Scientist.
A graduate of Johns Hopkins, earning her Bachelor's of Arts degree in social sciences and a Master's of Arts degree in science writing, Greenfieldboyce taught science writing for four years at the university. She was honored for her talents with the Evert Clark/Seth Payne Award for Young Science Journalists.
It's been yet another exciting and eventful year in space -- from minor malfunctions to eclipses.
Early interactions with the Earth may have heated up the Moon and caused it to remelt, producing new lunar rocks and erasing old craters.
Wetlands managers have spent years using fire and chemicals to fight phragmites, an invasive reed that chokes everything else out. But coaxing native plants to move back in is difficult.
Wetlands managers have spent years using fire and chemicals to fight phragmites, an invasive reed that chokes everything else out. But coaxing beneficial native plants to move back in is difficult.
About two dozen chimpanzees deemed too feeble to be moved a few years ago will be going to Chimp Haven after all. The NIH said originally they'd be kept in New Mexico for their own safety.
What triggers geysers to go off is still not well understood. A new paper shows that one small earthquake likely triggered an eruption of the world's tallest active geyser, Steamboat.
NASA has just launched a mission to investigate a far-off world that's full of water. It's going to Europa, a moon of Jupiter that's made of lots of ice that covers a huge ocean.
This year's prize has gone to three researchers who pioneered how to design and analyze proteins, one of the building blocks of life. Though this year, none of the science Nobels has gone to a woman.
On Thursday, a major birding society will discuss how how to go about changing potentially offensive bird names. There's resistance to the original plan to rename all birds named after people.
To remove potentially offensive names, a birding society said it would rename birds originally named after people. Since many birders resisted the change, it will be a topic at their annual meeting.