Cat Schuknecht
A fourth man was involved in the 1965 attack on civil rights worker and minister James Reeb, but that man was never identified or charged in Reeb's murder, an NPR investigation revealed.
Motorcyclists with the veterans advocacy group Rolling Thunder Inc. will gather in Washington, D.C., for the last time this weekend. The group cites financial issues as its main reason for quitting.
The White House has been strong against China in trade talks, but NPR and PBS Frontline found top advisers battled for more than a year over imposing billions of dollars in tariffs on Chinese imports.
The U.S. has largely failed to stop Chinese cybertheft of U.S. companies, but the companies themselves led the charge in keeping it under wraps.
An Alaska man and his co-conspirator took a fossilized tusk from a Bureau of Land Management museum. Then, they cut it up and sold off the pieces.
On Tuesday, city officials announced they will pardon 130,000 residents who have incurred overdue charges on borrowed books.
President Trump issues two executive orders that could make it harder for states to block companies from building oil and gas pipeline projects.
On Tuesday, the company said it will allow listings in the occupied West Bank, and will donate all the money it makes from those properties to non-profit humanitarian aid organizations.
On Tuesday night, Magic Johnson told reporters he's stepping down after a two-year stint as the president of basketball operations for the Los Angeles Lakers.