Abigail Censky
Abigail Censky is the Politics & Government reporter at WKAR. She started in December 2018.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced Michiganders may need to stay home a little longer, after the state’s stay-at-home order expires at the end of the…
Several thousand cars surrounded the Michigan Capitol grounds for blocks as far as the eye could see Wednesday in a display so densely packed, one…
Demonstrators jammed streets around the state Capitol on Wednesday, saying Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's stay-at-home order goes too far.
Many state legislative sessions were cut short because of the coronavirus pandemic. Now lawmakers, itching to complete state business, are reconvening despite health warnings.
The swing state added a new law that makes it easier to cast an absentee ballot. But election officials warn that other laws will make it hard for them to count the expected rush of absentee ballots.
Michigan voters will cast their ballots Tuesday in the state's Presidential primary. But, the state’s top election official is already advising voters…
Both of Michigan’s Democratic Senators will have new job’s Tesuday. In addition to representing the people of Michigan, they’ll serve as jurors in the…
A special task force on jails and pretrial incarceration handed over 18 policy recommendations to leadership in the state legislature Tuesday.Since 1975…
Attorneys for former Michigan State University President Lou Anna Simon announced Thursday that they’ll file a motion to quash another judge’s decision…
President Trump won Michigan by about 11,000 votes in 2016. His campaign is working hard to keep the state in his column and is hoping those efforts could also net the GOP a Senate seat next year.