Lake Superior State University has appointed its next president.
The Board of Trustees of and Presidential Search Committee of LSSU have selected David Travis, who is currently the provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Wisconsin at River Falls.

Travis will be taking over for Interim President Lynn Gillette, whose been in the role since last year.
In a news release, LSSU said that Travis is an experienced education administrator who is a successful researcher in climatology, remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications.
"We were looking for a more general understanding of their education and leadership philosophy in the process, how they engage with the different constituencies on campus, what their demonstrated leadership capabilities have been in their career," said Cynthia Williams, vice chair of the board of trustees and the chair of the presidential search committee.
Williams said the board was focused on finding someone who can lead the college in helping increase student enrollment. The process of selecting a new president, according to Williams, involved the entire campus community.
"We formed a 15-person search committee really comprised and reflected kind of all the constituencies of the Lake State family. From students, faculty, Deans, community members and alums," Williams said.
Williams also said the university is struggling with student graduation rates, as students seeking high education are finding it harder to see the value in what university if offering.
A reception will be held at LSSU in April to welcome the new president to the university community. Travis will officially begin his term on June 3.