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Farmers concerned about keeping their workforce as healthy as possible


During a national shut down, farmers are gearing up for the growing season. 

As soon as the next week or two farmers will be heading out to prep their fields for this year’s growing season and many hands will be needed to get started.


Paul Gross is an MSU field crop educator in Isabella county. He said farmers are working to create protocols to keep their workers healthy. 


“I think the agri businesses are really being proactive about keeping their workforces healthy cause we are coming into the planting season and ag is pretty essential.”


Gross said many of the farms he works with are separating work crews. He says some farms are requiring workers to take their temperature before checking in for work and many are increasing their sanitization protocols. 


Mecosta County asparagus farmer, Bruce Greogy, said his workers already take extra care to wash their hands, sanitize, and wear gloves during the growing season, but this year they are looking to do more.


“So those things are already in place and we are thinking of adding a few more, including take your temperature, before you get to work because we are going to take it when you get to work. And those types of things.”


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