Public health officials are concerned about increasing polarization among Americans over vaccines.
New research suggests seals sense internal oxygen levels to know when to come up for air. Digital version of story that already aired. Skedded for pub Weds. 3/26 at 6 a.m. Reporter: Lambert. Editor: Khan.
Fighting growing wildfires in western North Carolina is hampered by debris left over from Hurricane Helene-related flooding, which was 6 months ago this week.
Scientists have been curious about how kangaroos evolved to hop with such efficiency. To investigate that, researchers turned to a sort of evolutionary second-cousin of the kangaroo, the musky rat-kangaroo.
A new study shows that the quality of a person's microphone in a video meeting affects how the speaker is perceived by others.
Some 30,000 fewer people are dying every year in the U.S. from fentanyl and other street drugs. This shift has stunned addiction experts, reversing decades of rising death.
With no help from the federal government, states are trying to regulate recreational marijuana. California's Department of Cannabis Control works to keep contaminants out of joints, vapes and edibles.
TikTok has become the go-to source on ADHD for teens and young adults. But a new study finds that a lot of the information is misleading and can make people's symptoms worse.
Patients and parents speak out after Chicago's Lurie Children's Hospital joined other hospitals in stopping gender-affirming surgeries after an executive order threatening loss of federal funding.
First Corinthian Baptist Church founded a separate nonprofit that employs therapists to bring mental health care to a community where stigma remains a high barrier to healing.
Public health officials are concerned about increasing polarization among Americans over vaccines.